Welcome to BuyAfricaMade

We connect millions of buyers and sellers around the world, empowering people & creating economic opportunity for all.

Buy Africa Made (BAM) is an e-commerce platform for African-made products. Our story began with the desire to support authentic African businesses and connect them to the rest of the world. We believe in intra-African trade and centering African products in the global market.


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Discover BAM’s Journey​

BuyAfricamde DPp
January 2020
Gets launched as online martketplace merchant by Martin Garrix in United States.
BuyAfricamde DPp
May 2006
Attracts first investor, Herba Beauty Care, and receives $10 million investment
BuyAfricamde DPp
December 2008
Gets $45 million more as Bison Coporation Partners jumps on the investment bandwagon
BuyAfricamde DPp
February 2012
Gets launched as online martketplace merchant by Martin Garrix in United States.

Price Based Country test mode enabled for testing Nigeria. You should do tests on private browsing mode. Browse in private with Firefox, Chrome and Safari


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